Prostate screening
Your wife sees her gynaecologist once a year for a check-up – do you see an urologist on a regular basis as well?
Prostate diseases are the most common urological diseases to affect aging men. These include inflammations of the prostate (prostatitis), benign prostatic growth (benign Prostatahyperplasia, BPH), but also prostate cancer (prostate carcinoma). Early detection is especially important to prevent and successfully treat prostate diseases. Every man over the age of 45 should think about screening for prostate cancer. If a member of your family (first degree relative; father, brother) or a close relative (second degree relative; grandfather, uncle) has already developed prostate cancer, you should ensure that you are screened regularly for prostate cancer from the age of 40 onwards. The check-up includes questions on your medical history and a physical examination as well as an ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and prostate and a urine screening. The main focus is, however, on the relatively non-invasive rectal examination of the prostate and a blood test to determine your PSA levels (prostate-specific antigens). The information attained from all these results is analysed and assessed to determine whether there are suspicious indications for prostate cancer. If the tests show no suspicious indications, regular screening for prostate cancer should take place once a year. Thanks to the close co-operation of a nearby laboratory, I am able to carry out all tests, including blood work, in my practice.