Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is, alongside lung cancer, the most common malignant cancer in men. In some countries it is in fact already the most common cause of cancer death among men. The risk of getting prostate cancer (prostate carcinoma) increases with age. As with most cancers, specific causes as to why men get prostate cancer are unknown. An important factor, however, seems to be the high-fat diet in the Western world. In Asia, prostate carcinomas are much less common than in the Western world. If, however, Asians move to America then their risk of developing prostate cancer increases and they are then equally as likely as Americans of contracting prostate cancer. A high-fibre, low fat diet is probably an important factor in preventing prostate carcinoma. Prostate cancer is extremely slow growing and may not cause any symptoms until a considerably advanced stage of the disease. Early detection is therefore a key factor in the successful treatment of prostate carcinoma.
If prostate cancer is diagnosed, there are various forms of therapy such as medications (hormone therapy), radiation therapy or surgery to remove the prostate. Each type of therapy does, however, have certain advantages and disadvantages, which need to be discussed in accordance with each individual case. Therapy is not necessary in all cases. If the disease is limited to the prostate gland then this can be removed during a radical prostatectomy procedure either by making an incision in the lower abdomen or by making an incision between the anus and scrotum.